Sunday, July 31, 2011

Quick Hit: An Urban Jungle for the 21st Century

Singapore has a newly developed strategic plan to create and sustain biodiversity in the city.

What do you think? Is this something that could be replicated in the U.S.? Or should we pick up and move to Singapore? I understand English is one of their official languages...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Back to Beets

Seasonally, it's a bit late to be talking about beets. But I can't not mention my first real harvest of the year, even if it was a few weeks ago.

Beets are often grown in the cooler season. In storage, their sugars turn to starch. Any beet is a good beet, in my opinion, but nothing can beat a sweet beet fresh from the ground.  After drizzling with olive oil, baking about 40 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees, peeling, chopping, and mixing with some chevre, mesclun greens, Evoo and balsamic vinegar, I had me a yummy salad.

That's all. One salad. It's hard to grow big beets in containers. But still, better than my grape beets and resulting one-spoon salad from last year.

Best of all, I had forgotten that I had planted heirloom chioggia beets. What a pretty surprise!